Brian O'Connor in Hong Kong
Brian O'Connor, the announcer of the equestrian events at the 2008 Olympic Games in Hong Kong, shares the inside scoop.
Brian O'Connor, the announcer of the equestrian events at the 2008 Olympic Games in Hong Kong, shares the inside scoop.
Hi Brian, Your blog is awesome! Thank you SO MUCH for keeping us informed. I love every minute of it. You have my heart felt congratulations on being the announcer. What an honor! Great pictures! I'll be anxiously awaiting your every post! Have fun and good luck to the US team!
Valerie from Maryland
Hi Brian, Thanks for keeping us all up to date - your blog is a log of fun!
Ian anad I just back from Waterpaark so we are as wet as you. GReat pictures. IT all sounds very exciting. I an is spending the night with Zuke and I and we are going tubing on the Shenandoah tomorrow. Keeping wet as you see. SAllyo
hi dad i had a great time with granny today. Hope you are having fun. how is aunt karen doing? what about uncle david? i like your shirts! i like the dragons on cross country.
love, Ian
Boy do you look great. It's hard to believe you've made it so far on my brief tutelage! It seems like just yesterday. I'll keep up every day. Jane H. aka(Coleman)
PS- Don't forget your nails!
get a video of the girls in pink dancing outside the ring
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